1936年、 有名な写真家であるアンセル・アダムは体調の不良にかなり苦しんでいました。その苦境から回復したあと、アダムは彼の友人であるキャデリック・ライトに1937年の7月19日に手紙を送りました。
アンセル・アダムス wikipedia
アメリカの写真家。カリフォルニア州ヨセミテ渓谷のモノクロ写真で有名。また、写真に関する数々の著作でも知られている。特に写真技術を扱った3冊の本(『The Camera』『The Negative』『The Print』)が有名。1952年には雑誌『アパチャー 』(Aperture)を創刊し、その後グッゲンハイム財団のフェローシップ(研究助成金)を3度受け、また1966年にはアメリカ芸術科学アカデミーの特別研究員にも選ばれた。1980年にはジミー・カーターより文民が受けられる最高の栄誉である大統領自由勲章を受章。
Dear Cedric,
A strange thing happened to me today. I saw a big thundercloud move down over Half Dome, and it was so big and clear and brilliant that it made me see many things that were drifting around inside of me; things that related to those who are loved and those who are real friends.
For the first time I know what love is; what friends are; and what art should be.
Love is a seeking for a way of life; the way that cannot be followed alone; the resonance of all spiritual and physical things. Children are not only of flesh and blood ? children may be ideas, thoughts, emotions. The person of the one who is loved is a form composed of a myriad mirrors reflecting and illuminating the powers and thoughts and the emotions that are within you, and flashing another kind of light from within. No words or deeds may encompass it.
Friendship is another form of love ? more passive perhaps, but full of the transmitting and acceptance of things like thunderclouds and grass and the clean granite of reality.
Art is both love and friendship, and understanding; the desire to give. It is not charity, which is the giving of Things, it is more than kindness which is the giving of self. It is both the taking and giving of beauty, the turning out to the light the inner folds of the awareness of the spirit. It is the recreation on another plane of the realities of the world; the tragic and wonderful realities of earth and men, and of all the inter-relations of these.
I wish the thundercloud had moved up over Tahoe and let loose on you; I could wish you nothing finer.